Holiday, once in college, pursued his dream of becoming a commissioned officer for the Army but had further health issues, heart attacks, and other medical complications, which ended his pursuit of becoming an officer in the US ARMY. Doctors later diagnosed him with Systemic Lupus. Holiday would continue to persist in his life- get knocked down and back up again- determined to serve and represent his country in whatever ways possible, including as a National Team Paralympic athlete.
“Fortes Fortuna Juvat” Fortune favors the Brave
Often times people ask me if I could have my leg back would I want that. In a way it is a trick question because who wouldn't say yes. My answer is that I would not change what has happened in my life. The experiences both bad and good have made me the person I am today. I would not have started Athletes with disAbilities Network Northeast (ADNNEC)which is an adaptive sports program for disabled veterans, first responders and the community. Helped others navigate the a life changing event through ADNNEC mentoring and outreach and met the amazing people I have through my lifes journey.
Now with the creation of Red, White & Blue K9 Services LLC, I am afforded the opportunity now to help disabled veterans and first responders work train and work with K9's to earn the quality of life and independence back after we thought we lost the ability to serve our country and community.